Just a really quick post...I'm at work and need to do stuff, so I don't have much time. I'm writing just to stay caught up on my blog.
I didn't run last night. We had a radio-thon to raise money for the Sky Lakes Medical Center Cancer Treatment Center, and didn't get home until about 6:45. The wind was blowing pretty hard, I was hungry, and couldn't convince myself that I needed to run two days in a row, so I took it off. Another excuse I have is that as I was leaving home to go back to the Radiothon at 4:30 Janet came trotting up the road as she finished her 5 mile jaunt. She looked like she was about to die, and I decided at that point that I just didn't feel like running.
Today, however, is a new day....and I'm going running either at noon, or immediately following work. We're supposed to get more wind, so it's not going to be pleasant no matter when I go. Forecasts call for 40 mph gusts again, which definitely makes for miserable running. I don't think it's supposed to snow today, so if it doesn't THAT will be a plus, but it still won't be fun. I'll probably make it another 2 mile adventure, although I'd really like to go 4. We'll see what happens and hopefully I can give an update tomorrow.
Happy Spring!! (I'm ready for something else.)
We've got the wind here today too. I was thinking about going for a walk, since I'm taking a mini running break, but instead I think I'll just around and eat cupcakes. :) Hope your run goes well.