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Northly News
Just the happenings of Dick & Janet, Laurie & Dan, Jeff & Breein, Tom, Donald & Kayleigh, Stephanie, and Doug
Friday, January 9, 2009
Taking the Plunge!!!
Well folks, as is said at the beginning of Nintendo 64's Mario Bros., "Here we gooooooo!"This is my first post in my brand new blog...fairly close to the start of a new year. I'm not really sure what I expect to accomplish with this blog...I don't really have a purpose in mind. This blog probably won't be like my daughter Laurie's running blog (Laurie's Running Log Blog), in which she focuses on her adventures in "Track Town USA". I also don't plan on baring the dark side of my personality like my son Tom (The Rants of Tom), although I'm sure a little negativity will creep in to my posts from time to time. I have too many interests to really want concentrate on one hobby other than hunting and I doubt that anyone really cares to read about my mis-adventures in the field, so I probably won't venture too far in that direction either. So what's the point of this blog? I guess it's to give my wife, kids, and anyone else that's interested a chance to read what few thoughts I managed to eke out when I put to pen to paper (maybe "peck out on keyboard" is more appropriate).At this early stage it's almost impossible to predict what will happen...we'll just have to wait and see.
Contributed by Dick at 4:38 PM
I'm glad you finally wrote on here. I look forward to reading more of your posts. You're right though, I disagree about Klamath Falls, Eugene is far better... and not that I'm complaining, but your kids range in age from 29 to 15!